A-Z of data protection - J is for ...

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A-Z of data protection: terms you need to know


a computer programming language used to create interactive web content
often used to collect data from website users, and is used to access cookies

joint operations
refers to joint investigations and joint enforcement measures which involve data subjects in more than one member state, thus requiring the participation of regulatory bodies of several member states

joint controllership
The GDPR defines this as an arrangement where two or more controllers jointly determine the purpose and means for processing.

the geographical area covered by the authority of a court of law

just-in-time notice / notification
a notice given usually at the point of data collection, which informs an individual about how his/her personal data will be used, and is accompanied usually with a consent request. For instance, a JIT notice can appear just as an individual is about to fill up a form with his/her personal information.
this contrasts with the more common practice of consolidating all privacy notices on a single page on the website

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