A Grand Finale for the Winning Teams of the National Youth AI Prompt Design Challenge

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The National Youth AI Prompt Design Challenge has concluded in a grand prize-giving ceremony held at the SkillsFuture Festival X SMU 2024 event, graced by Ms Gan Siow Huang, the Minister of State for Education and Manpower.

Winners were first revealed at a session where Kevin Shepherdson, CEO of Straits interactive, Harish Pillay, Chief Judge from AI Verify, and Lawrence Chan, CEO and Chief AI Officer at MyRepublic also addressed the winners. 

A total of 11 teams of 24 students were awarded for their AI apps built during the Challenge, which impressed the panel of judges for the breadth and creativity that the participants showed. With a testing component as part of the scoring, these apps were extensively tested by the participants for adversarial prompts and the ability to be safeguarded from being jailbroken.

Apps were built on Capabara, Straits Interactive’s easy-to-use Gen AI platform, that also ensures that apps are created in a safe, secure and sustainable space. 

Here’s a rundown of the winning apps from both categories. 


Most Responsible Award

Team CREZCODERS (Crescent Girls’ School)  – Mindful Mentor

  • Leann Tan Kai Xuan

  • Charlotte Ye XiaoXian

  • Jesslyn Jeanette Halim

Mindful Mentor is a student wellbeing app that aims to support and encouragement to students going through hard times. It focuses on mental health and mental wellbeing of students and gives suggestions and tips on how to cope with their problems and ease negative emotions. 

Most Innovative Award

Team OK One (Nanyang Girls High School) - Apollo Friendz 

  • Ng Si Wei 

  • Leong Wye Yan

Apollo Friendz uses the goddess Apollo as an avatar for an app that acts like a confidante to students. It is a student wellbeing app that lets them talk about their problems in a safe space, while advising them not to get into bad habits such as smoking, vaping, drinking, and gambling.

Third Place 

Team ARIEL AND CHLOE (Cedar Girls Secondary School) - Student AI.ssitant

  • Loi Zi Wei Ariel 

  • Tan Yi Xuan Chloe

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This app focuses on Holistic Education and gives helpful feedback on students' schoolwork and guides them through a reflective process. It encourages students to consider what they've learned and how to apply it in everyday life, promoting metacognitive skills essential for future endeavours. 

This app aims to embrace a holistic approach to education, shifting the focus away from mere grades, and making studying more enjoyable and meaningful. By supporting continuous growth and innovation, the chatbot helps students learn more effectively, fostering a mindset of learning from mistakes and applying knowledge practically in their daily lives. 

Second Place

Team WGS TEAM 2 (Woodgrove Secondary School) - Transition Period AI Tool Helper

  • Shamsun Nisa Binte Mohamad Faiza

  • Zachary Tay Ye Zhan

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The jump between Primary and Secondary school can be quite challenging for students, as they have to make the important decision of choosing a school. Some may not have enough information on their hands, and this app aims to make it a little less daunting for parents and families as they go through this period. 

By listing down their AL scores (the score from the child’s Primary School Leaving Exam), the app will list the schools that the child is eligible for. This makes the information mining process a lot less tedious. The app also gives tips and solutions to overcome challenges they may face with the transition from Primary to Secondary school.

First Place

Team YONGTONGLEEN ( Nanyang Girls High School ) - Activity Alchemist

  • Yang Tongyu

  • Yip Kaile Kathleen

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This tool is designed to assist in planning and guiding students through extracurricular activities that cater to their individual preferences and needs. Throughout the process, the tool aims to support holistic education by fostering engagement, skill development, stress relief, and personal fulfilment through extracurricular activities tailored to each student's unique preferences and circumstances. 

Firstly, this tool tailors recommendations based on individual student preferences such as available time, preferred activity type (e.g., fun and adrenaline-filled, calming and soothing), and feelings toward school. This ensures that activities suggested are relevant and engaging for each student to ensure holistic education. Secondly, after selecting activities, this tool helps students set specific, achievable goals. It provides a structured timeline to track progress, fostering motivation and accountability. Last but not least, this tool encourages and guides users in a positive and friendly manner, which ensures a warm user experience. 


Most Responsible Award

Team SEIJOH (Republic Polytechnic) - Bliss Bot Wellbeing Adviser

  • Elsa Foo Dui San

  • Mahi Ketur Gandhi

  • Wong Jun Xiang

This app caters to students studying in local schools in Singapore who are going through or struggling with mental and/or physical health challenges. Bliss Bot aims to bring a highly-personalised experience to helping students sort out their thoughts and emotions. The bot will ask how the student is feeling and get a better understanding of how the student ended up in their current state. The response is customised and catered towards the student needs and safety to ensure no harm is brought to the student, and aims to advise students empathetically and effectively to ensure students get the necessary help. 

As there might be limitations in the bot understanding human emotions, when the situation gets too grave, such as when suicidal intentions are present, referrals will be made for the student to seek further assistance. 

Most Innovative Award 

Team ZENGAIL (Nanyang Polytechnic) - Ease EduVault

  • Abigail Ong

  • Zeng Xiaoyu

Ease Eduvault aims to enhance teachers’ productivity by addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by teachers. By integrating multiple solutions into a single platform, it helps maximize teacher productivity, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance educational outcomes. With features such as Teacher Skills Development & Enhancement School Timetable Management; Lesson and Curriculum Management
Event Planning Assistant; Parental Communication and Engagement Student Assessment and Feedback Tools, the app ensures that teachers have more time to focus on what truly matters: educating and inspiring students. 

Each feature is designed to adapt to the unique needs of individual teachers. For example, the curriculum management tool offers customized recommendations based on the teacher's input, and the roleplay scenarios for skill development are tailored to address specific areas for improvement. 

The name "Ease Eduvault" reflects our team mission to provide a secure, rich repository of AI-driven tools that safeguard educational integrity while making teachers' lives easier. 

Outstanding Potential Award

Team SPARKLES (National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University) - Sparkles Tots

  • Joshua Law Bing Han

  • Nicole Quah Zi Hui 

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SparkleTots is a personal AI tutor for students. The tool's goal is to generate questions that allow students to test themselves on the concepts that they have learnt in school. It will also grade and then provide feedback, thus focusing on incorporating blended-learning as well as assessment and feedback. 

The app is able to test and teach students on various subjects. It supports them and encourages them to try questions. It provides instant feedback and celebrates when they get it correct. We also created SparkleTots with the thought of working with SparkleThoughts to create a more comprehensive solution that addresses the problem where the student’s feedback generated by SparkleTots can be shared with SparkleTots. Not to mention, the learning outcomes tested would also be highlight and feedback would be given to the student on how to improve. 

Third Place

Team DADE AI (Nanyang Polytechnic) - Teachers’ Life Balancer

  • Min Phyo Thura

  • Mohammad Habib

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Our AI Teachers_Life_Balancer Tool is designed to significantly enhance the productivity of teachers by automating routine administrative tasks, supporting effective lesson planning, facilitating seamless communication with parents, and providing personalised support to students. This tool is specifically tailored to address the dual needs of teachers and students, ensuring a balanced and efficient educational environment. 

The system perfectly integrates both the teacher and student usage into a single tool.
A password has been set to separate administrative rights, with strict restrictions that deter the change of role in the mid of the chat.
The chat temperature has been toned down a bit as we believe that learning, in some essence, should be a bit formal. 

Second Place

Team NTCGY (Nanyang Polytechnic) - Simulacrum

  • Yi Jiaxin

  • Nigel Tan

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Focusing on Digital Wellbeing, Simulacrum aims to equip students with knowledge through interactive means. By providing students with a simulated scenario which progresses in diepth, the app also tests their knowledge on selected topics through multiple choice questions. 

The app explains the reasoning after every answer give, so that depth of learning is achieved. When a wrong answer is given, the app will provide the correct answer and explain why their answer was wrong. 

First Place

Team CGK (Temasek Polytechnic) - The PowerPuff Girls Chemistry Challenge against Mojo Jojo!

  • Boo Man Qi (Chloe)

  • Gerald Choo Chee Meng

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This  AI Tool is uses the popular cartoon characters, The Powerpuff Girls, to teach students Chemistry. This themed Chemistry Quiz test users about their Chemistry knowledge, for them to understand Chemistry concepts in a more enjoyable and interactive way. Users can choose the different chemistry topics to focus on, as well as the difficulty of the questions asked— Easy, Intermediate or Advanced, using dropdown lists. 

Why the Powerpuff Girls? In the team’s own words, “It is set in the theme of The Powerpuff Girls because they were created in a lab after Professor Utonium, a scientist, mixed ‘sugar, spice, and everything nice’ as well as ‘Chemical X’. Hence, we found The Powerpuff Girls to be a fitting theme for a Chemistry game.”

To learn about how you can build your own AI apps on Capabara, visit www.capabara.com 

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